Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Planting a Thinking Seed For Our Literary Mag...

I wanted to jot down a few preliminary thoughts and concerns about our literary magazine. I think this project has so much potential! I'm excited about taking all of our fresh ideas and weaving them into a cohesive unit that makes a great impression on our readers and allows our writers' voices to be heard. This task brings us great privilege and responsibility.

Along with this excitement, some challenges await us as well. Since our literary magazine is a new endeavor, I believe the largest challenge our team faces is lack of experience with a project of this type. Because this is our first installment, we will need to ensure that it is a success so that a possibility for future additions of the magazine exist. I know that we want to produce a literary magazine that is significant; one that truly speaks. With this in mind, I'm planning on conducting some research on the methods and products of other literary magazines to see what kinds of ideas and strategies we can glean (or not glean) from them.

Please water this seed with your own thoughts and concerns...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good news! I've got some experience! :-) And I believe that others may have more than you think--in fact, you seem to have experience both in "publishing" and "voice" . . . . sooo, this will be a great place to pool our experiences together and build even more.

Thanks for putting this blog out there, Jenelle. I hope it generates more discussion too . . . I especially like that you target our aspiration to put together a lit mag that truly "speaks." I hear many distinctive voices here at the WC and I'm eager to share those.