Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Winner of the Fall Writing Contest

The Writing Center is pleased to announce the winner of the 2010 Fall Writing Contest: Turning Points. Tracy Pederson, a current nursing student, won a first place gift card worth $75.00 to the OU-C Book Store with her submission "The Great Bear Hunt."

Congratulations, Tracy!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Of Snow and Studies

I'm so glad that good ol' Jack Frost has blown in our direction! My evening class is canceled! Now I have all evening to snuggle under my electric blanket and finish the novel I'm reading for African American Literature, Alfred French's Billy. I'm approximately 1/3 of the way through it so far, and it's definitely a page-turner! (Which is good because there was an assignment due on the novel yesterday!) Like other African American literature I've read, I really enjoy the book's use of dialect, candid, unsentimental tone, and the way it stirs up emotions about true-to-life happenings! I'm looking forward to reading Toni Morrison this quarter as well.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I am currently enrolled in online Human Geography course. I was surprised when I realized all homework will consist of definitions. However, after looking things up in the handy-dandy glossary, I suppose it makes me concentrate on the key terms. Here is a new one that I thought some people may enjoy. It makes sense to me.

Deb, this is for you!

Ecofeminism: A new doctrine proposing that women are inherently better environmental preservationists than men because the traditional roles of women involved creating and nurturing life, whereas the traditional roles of men too often necessitated death and destruction.

....any thoughts....

2 blog entries, I'm on a roll...I think this is more than I typed all last quarter.

Winter break and other stuff

First off, my break was nice; although, I was not ready to come back. I can officially say that I will be graduating this year! Woooohooo! After this quarter I will have three classes and student teaching. I am taking a couple courses in Lancaster this quarter. I like the teachers, but the snowy drive leaves a bit to be desired; good thing I got new tires the end of November.

Now for the funny story: yesterday evening I backed out of my garage PRIOR to opening the garage door. OOPS! The door is stuck. I have been housing a friend's old corvette and we had to push that out of the other garage bay and then do a lot of maneuvering to get my car out. It was quite the scene. The end. I know that there are far worse things that could have happened to me. Over winter break I have learned NOT to sweat the small stuff. A lot of the "stuff" we think is disastrous really isn't. My advice to all: Keep things in perspective; everything can always be WORSE!

I am keeping my eye on the prize and looking forward to graduation.

Jr Comp Exam Info

It's that time again! Students may take an exemption/waiver exam for the junior level (J Course) composition course requirement. The exam is a two-hour timed essay based on a provided text. You must register in person between 9:00 AM Monday, January 4th and 4:00 PM Friday, January 8th at the OU-C Writing Center. To take the Junior exam, you must have 90 credit hours or more and have successfully completed your first-year writing requirement (English 151 or equivalent). You may take the exam only one time.