Wednesday, November 19, 2008

My Literature Ladder!

Hey, guys! I just finished my literature ladder for my English 356 online course. I'm really proud of it and wanted to share. Have a peek if you feel like it!

Winter Quarter Writing Contest

So, I know Deb is going to start asking us for ideas for this, so I decided to get a jump on it.

My thought is we should ask students to write about snow, seeing as it is Winter. Not just about what it looks like or what it is or something boring like that. Write about what snow is to them. How does snow make you feel, what emotions does it invoke, what does it remind you of? Does it take you back to where you grew up? Do you love it or hate it? Does a blanket of snow make you feel peaceful or does it look like the death of all the color of Autumn.

Write about what snow is to you personally.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Wrapping Up

As we approach finals, take a moment to reflect on your own tutoring practices from this quarter . . . what techniquies worked best? What could be done better?

[Remember, since this is a public space, be careful to protect the privacy of individual tutees.]

Monday, November 3, 2008

Back from Vegas!

Back from the conference and sitting at my desk catching up.

Of course there was just a ton of information and I am still sorting it out. I met some directors with the same challenges and concerns that we are facing, and we had a great exchange of ideas.

Perhaps the most useful workshop for me was the one on assessment. Wow. I don’t know where to start! I just want to make sure folks are envolved and happy with their tutoring positions here at the Writing Center.

I hope my own 16 hours a week here will be enough to implememnt some of the neat ideas I've brought back such as establishing some Writing Center Workshops, brown bag lunches, and/or tea & cookie series.

Where do we want to take the writing Center next quarter? How could we be of more use here on Campus? What workshops could we offer that would be useful? Ideas?