Deb asks, "What makes good writing?"
A couple quarters ago, I had the pleasure of taking Lisa Wallace's Intro to Women's Studies course. For our portfolio, we were assigned a three-to-five page paper that reflected upon a topic that we had discussed. The topic was to be one that was personally interesting to us. During the course, we had distributed surveys to gague peoples' reactions to Hillary Clinton running as potentially the first female president of our country. Because we had focused on Clinton and her influence on women today, I chose to write my opinion on the issue.
My paper was an argumentative one. I wrote it before the primary election, when emotions were flying between Clinton and Obama. I made my case for Obama as my candidate of choice, citing that I think Clinton is not necessarily the heroine women today need. I called her out for trying to be too much like a rich white man, and for backpedaling on issues that could actually improve women's lives.
I won't get into specifics here, because politics isn't the point. The point is that I had a fabulous time writing the essay because I was so immersed in the subject. I think that is the one boundary that writers must overcome above all else: You have to find a topic that interests you, that lights a fire under your butt, to produce a great piece. I got an A on the paper and would've been happy with almost any grade, just because I had so much fun writing it.
it is interesting that in a Women's Studies class you took a stance against the "hero" woman. Most people would have gone the much easier route.
*admits to herself she would have done the same thing*
Lisa Wallace is terrific!
And what do you now think of all this Palin business?!?!?!
We should talk! LoL--or write!
Palin is an insulting token gesture. And they chose her based on the campaigning of an internet blogger. How much worse could it get?
Here is the link to the blog that got her the vp pick.
Since we have a blog we must have political clout! What should we do with the power....?
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