Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Day Two: Write!

We began today's training by freewriting about our worst paper/project/writing experiences. Most people focused on unclear or poor teachers, horrible topics, and other frustrations.

I hope we keep these student-oriented concerns in mind as we begin to tutor students in the fall and continue to think of ways to work productively through most difficulties.

For your blogging assignment today, I'd like for you to focus on your best writing experience! Narrate that situation. Remember: lots of sessions end beautifully, with both the tutee and the tutor feeling satisfied with the writing progress. So, as you are narrating your experience, address the question "what makes good writing?"


Leona said...

My first quarter as a college student, I found myself in my first English class. As I sat in the room filled with fresh faces, I couldn't help but wonder, do I have what it takes to be a good writer?

As the professor handed out our assignment, I quickly scanned the words on the paper. Writing a personal narrative would be my challenge.

After a few moments of pondering I finally settled on a topic, and after writing for several hours I thought I had a good paper, turns out I did. All I did was tell my story and listen to my instincts.

The professor later asked to speak with me. At the meeting she told me something I had never heard before,"you are are a great writer!" That was probably the best compliment anyone had ever given me to that point.

Deb Nickles said...

I love that first paragraph--you are a great writer, Leona!

I wonder what your personal narrative was about . . .

Denver said...

For 153A last Fall, our first assignment was to write a piece in which we placed ourselves in the position of a god or goddess. The assignment left a lot of room for personal expression and was a lot of fun to write.