Wednesday, September 3, 2008

learning to write

My best writing expirernce?.....umm...trying to think...go it!

In eng 151 the first assignment is a personal narritave. Always. We had a brainstorming session in class and it became apparent that everyone was writng about similar topics. I don't know if anyone else noticed that all were apeaking if writng on their parents (or thier) divorce, giving birth, or the death of a close friend or family member. While most of those expierences applied to me, I decided I had to write about something different.

While getting dressed the next day, and lamenting the clothes in my closet that I can no longer wear, I realized I had a topic. I could write about why my shirts no longer fit; my breast reduction!

I re-wrote that paper six times before turning it in. Then it was suggested I submit the paper to the Women's Studies literary journal. Which meant more re-writesas the word count was different. It is easy for me to make suggestions to someone else's paper of what to remove. The words aren't mine, so it dosen't matter whcihc ones go and which ones stay.

I stared at my computer for hours decided what part of my story was going to have to leave. The deadline was midnight for submission. the third page, half of the opening paragraph and most of my conclusion were deleted into cyberspace. The next day, i was told my story would be prinited int he journal. The late night was worth it.

Re-writing sucks, as I am so tired of that piece I cannot even think of it without wanting to adjusting more to the final version. This was not the most enjoyable expierence I have ever had, but it was the one that taught me the most about how to write. That is significant.

Oh, and learning to spell my name in cursive was wonderful. but i don't think that is the type of writing we are blogging about.


Jenn said...

I loved that piece, Karalea. I read it out loud to Nick that night, too. Fabulous work. I wondered if it was really about you. Fascinating to know it was.

Deb Nickles said...

How great it is to write for a larger audience and to see a paper evolve like that, too.

Anonymous said...

Bravo, is simply excellent phrase :)