Thursday, September 4, 2008


Fall Quarter's Writing Center line-up!

Front row, left to right: Ashlee Daniels, Jennifer Slone, Karalea Lane. Back row, left to right: Leona Mount, Regan Sowers, Denver Karshner, Sarah Cook.


Deb Nickles said...

I love it!!!!

Deb Nickles said...

Wow!! And you linked Squid and Tree--you are fabulous, chic!

Unknown said... people will know who I am...

so much for pretending I'm the Invisible Woman.

Sarah C said...

Jenn, where is the airbrushing we talked about!?! :)

Jenn said...

We had an airbrushing conversation? I'm sorry, I must have had a brain lapse at that moment. Anyways, I'm not the greatest photo editor in the world. And besides, I think we're a pretty darned good-looking bunch! LOL!