Not my favorite, but I gotta share:
Patricia Smith
Read, but be sure to scroll to the bottom and check out her "Skinhead."
Last night, on the flood wall, east end, I noted "KKK" marked in black letters sprayed on the asphalt and folks just jogging past . . .
Yowza. Interesting perspective. Powerful. Poignant ending.
I've never heard this one, and I've spent a lot of time watching the Def Jam clips on YouTube. :-)
I agree with you on the "not my favorite" point. It was good. It definitely had an interesting perspective, as Sarah said. But it was the perfect choice for the topic of your post.
I grew up in a small all-white neighborhood outside of Cleveland. My parents did foster care, so we had a lot of black kids in and out of our house. I remember one morning we woke up to swastikas spray-painted on the street in front of our house. I'm sure it was just one of the neighboorhood kids, and even back then, as a teenager, I was struck by the magnitude of the problem with parents teaching their kids to feel this way.
It can be rather depressing if I focus on the bad that's still left instead of the progress that's been made. It's a fine balance.
Wow! Powerful, intense, and strong! I have never seen/heard this. Honestly, I am left a little speechless. I must admit that it is not a favorite of mine either. It is, however, one to consider and ponder. I appreciate you posting this one and straying out of the typical "box" poetry sometimes stays in.
Thanks Deb!
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