This is one of my favorite poems which has stuck with me over the years. I love Tennyson's poems and this particular masterpiece of his has an appealling and intriguing metaphor which I think, at some point in our lives, we may all experience. It's an experience of emotion, life, wisdom, and an unyielding drive to a new uncharted horizon which awaits us all.
Click on the link below to read the poem:
"Tis not to late to seek a newer world."
Do you believe this to be true, Kyle?
I do. I don't buy into the "end of history" myth. I think this is proven by each generation’s past achievements and failures. And not just on a historical level of society as a whole but for each individual. Flirting with Heraclitus, I do believe the world is constantly changing, people change, civilization changes, culture changes, etc.—some may call this incremental modernity; however, I call it progress. Not progress in a positive or negative connotation but a ‘neutral movement’ to be defined by generations of people. And I’m a firm believer that “tis not to late to seek a newer world” because we are currently seeking a newer world. And as history proves, we are living in a newer world—and thus, it is to our discretion to whether our Artificial shall be lustrous, or rusted for future generations.
Yowza! First off, I DID read the whole poem. lol. Lengthy poetry...I have to be in the mood. I am glad I read it all. One line spoke to me: "Life piled on life." Sometimes I feel as if I have enough "life" piled on top of me for two or three people. This made me think about what I choose to do with my life and the fact that many people do not have the luxury of such choices. Thanks for sharing, Kyle.
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