Thursday, February 25, 2010

My favorite toy was..

my lion. It really wasn't a toy but more of a security "blankie." Truthfully, I cannot remember a toy that I ever received that really excited me. Well, except my BOB, but that is another story entirely! It was the one stuffed animal that I protected with my life. My mother actually received this lion on my behalf during her baby shower. Yes, that means my lion is creeping up on 31 years of age!

My lion and I have been through many difficult times over the years. I would swing him by his tail like a helicopter, and during one of his "flights," he lost an eye--never to be found again. :( My sisters would make fun of my lion, saying that I was too old to have a stuffed animal. Little did I know that they each had their own! My eldest sister, Jen, still has her teddy bear (he is totally blind--lost both eyes). Her teddy is rounding the bend to 37 years of age!

Although Jen and I are closest out of all three of my sisters, she was the one that tormented me the most. Some time during elementary, I decided I no longer needed my lion. I got the kitchen scissors and proceeded to cut him up into pieces. I laid him down nicely on the top of the trash can and walked away. When my mom came home from work she became hysterical. I think my sister caught a beat-down that she deserved! hehehehe. (Side note: Our beat-downs came in the form of wooden spoons and/or the almighty fly swatter!)

Perhaps needless to say, my mother came to my lion's rescue and sewed him up. I was very happy to have him back, even if he had "stitches" of every color of the rainbow. He now resides in my sock drawer, scented by fabric softener sheets. I see him every morning, or at least the mornings I choose to put clean socks on! ha! My lion is so disfigured, my grandpa has called him a squirrel for many, many years. It used to make me very angry. Over the years, I have gained confidence in my self and the fact that I openly love my lion-squirrel.


Deb Nickles said...

Awww . . . I can totally see a lion-squirrel as your familiar! Now everything about you makes perfect sense . . .

Brandi said...

"Well, except my BOB, but that is another story entirely!
*cackles* I love you, Sarah XD

That is so cute that your sister still has her teddy bear! Awww, and I'm glad your mom saved the lion, too! I was kind of sad that you threw him away, but I'm glad he got a reprieve from his execution :D