Friday, August 29, 2008

A Pest Ghost! Er, I mean... a Guest Post! ...Or Was I Right the First Time?

Geia sas, agapati filia moy! Yes, it's all Greek to you... for the annual Labor Day Greek Festival is going on in Columbus and I'm a-gonna be there this year. w00t! Er, I mean... OPA!! I am an admitted Hellephile (and no, that doesn't mean I molest people named Helen), so I'm all happy about going.

I hope you all enjoy your long weekend! Don't get pulled over by cops or anything. Don't burn any body parts on the grill.

...No, there's really nothing special about this post. I just wanted to post.

From the coast.

As a ghost.

...with some toast.

Shutting up now.


Unknown said...

pest ghost.

Does Hellephile have origins in Greek mythology? Are they trying to pretend they are the prettiest people in the world? Or the people who launched thousands of ships? Because the Navy should technically be Hellephiles in that case.

Oh just go molest someone named Helen. Nursing homes are full of them...

Brandi said...

It's actually hellenophile--I mistyped it :P

*head-desks at "Nursing homes are full of them"* You just brought back some baaaad memories of Nursing School...

Deb Nickles said...

Hellenphile about Helen Mirren? Have you read the latest info on her?

Thanks for your guest/ghost post, Brandi! You gotta keep us on our toes with a love for words.

(Why, oh why did I eat smores the night before WC Training?? I'm never up past 11pm!)

Deb Nickles said...
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