Wednesday, October 22, 2008

OLN Initiative: Learning Communities and the Writing Center

Last Friday, October 17th, I attended a kickoff for the Ohio University Chillicothe Technology-Rich Creative Writing Learning Community at Shawnee State University.

What we are looking at, specifically, is an OLN (Ohio Learning Network) partnership between the WC and Dr. Jan Schmittauer's online writing courses.

This partnership is an exciting opportunity to begin thinking of all the benefits and challenges of online tutoring.

So, let's begin the conversation here.

What experiences, if any, have you had with online tutoring? What benefits do you see coming from this partnership? What challenges might we need to be aware of and work to overcome? Perhaps some people will be more inclined to engage in online tutoring than others--these are all issues we will need to discuss.

I'd like some type of initial response to this post by Nov. 3rd.

Also, I'll be putting a brief reading, "Protocols and Process in Online Tutoring," in your mailboxes. Please have it read by the 3rd as well and feel free to use it in your response.


B.t.w. I did see Tim & Kelly! What a hoot--they weren't expecting to see me at all. They are doing great and promised to stop in soon.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Let us FUEL your creativity!

Women, Politics, and Other Fairytales

As a current OU-C student, you are invited to submit any work of fiction, 1200 words max, that addresses an aspect of the theme Women, Politics, and Other Fairytales. This contest is open to all sub-genres of fiction including, but not limited to, traditional prose, fables, fairytales, science-fiction, romance, action-adventure, horror, comedy, satire, and collage. The title of this contest is meant to be both provocative and open to interpretation.
Although we gladly accept and support traditional mediums such as short stories and poetry, we also encourage those students who may be inclined to experiment with contemporary mediums such as graphic design (limit of 36”x24”), short film (limit of 6 minutes, please include script), blog excerpts, online websites (please provide links), comics, and other forms. First Place and honorable mentions will be announced no later than the first week of Winter Quarter.

First Place: $75.oo Gas Card !

All submissions are due by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, November 10, 2008, at the Learning Center in Stevenson.

Submissions are limited to two per student. Entry forms are available at the Writing Center where entries will be submitted in triplicate with cover sheet. Applicants will list ONLY PID#s, on every page, in either header or footer (all entries bearing names will be disqualified). Entries will be read by a panel from the OU-C English department and undergo a fair-minded selection process involving no fewer than three judges. Students are encouraged to use the Writing Center as a confidential resource for thoughtful feedback.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Banned Books Reading

I'd like to thank Squid and Tree for a terrific hosting of Banned Books! Your topic was well-chosen, and your analysis, fresh.

The presentation also went very well. Those who attended left informed and thoughtfully provoked.

Great Job!